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  1. Su & Midorikawa. (2023). Thinking about a positive future leads to forgetting about negative future events. 14th Biennial Conference of Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, (Nagoya, Japan).

  2. Su & Midorikawa. (2022). Effect of Depression on Forgetting of Negative Episodic Future Thinking. 20th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, (Kobe, Japan).


  1. Su et al. (2023). The relationship between the self-concealment and ‘brooding' and 'reflection' in older people: a study of participants in a community health promotion project. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Gerontology-Japan, (Osaka, Japan).

  2. Su & Yang (2023). Attachment security predicts retrieval-induced forgetting of episodic future thinking. 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, (Hong Kong, China).

  3. Su & Midorikawa (2023). Why do different retrieval paradigms have varying effects on forgetting negative events? 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, (Tokyo, Japan).

  4. Su & Hyodo (2021). Retrieval-induced forgetting in episodic future thinking. 19th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, (Online).

  5. Su & Hyodo (2021). Do Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in Emotional Autobiographical Memory Predict Emotional Regulation? Focusing on the forgetting of negative memory by retrieval of non-negative memory. 85th Annual Conference of the Japanese Psychological Association, (Online).

  6. Su & Hyodo (2021). The Relationship Between Retrieval-Induced-Forgetting and Autobiographical Memories. 18th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, (Online).

  7. Su & Hyodo (2019). The Relationship Between Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Effect and The Autobiographical Memories Emotion Valence. 17th Annual Conference of the Japanese society for cognitive psychology, (Kyoto, Japan).

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